This section is applicable only if you or someone you communicate with has an account on the IBM ES/9000 mainframe and uses PROFS (Office Vision).


Sending mail to a PROFS (Office Vision) user on the mainframe is just like sending mail to any user on other systems. See the section "Using Pine" for more details. The electronic mailing address for a user on the mainframe is as follows:

where userid is the PROFS (Office Vision) ID of the user you wish to communicate with.


This section assumes that you are logged on to your PROFS (Office Vision) account on the IBM ES/9000 mainframe.

There are two methods you can use to communicate with someone on the Internet:

Both of these methods are discussed in the following sections.

Using the EXTERNAL Command

If you wish to send mail to an Internet user without using a nickname, do the following:
  1. Prepare a note as you normally would, with one difference: in the Send to: field, enter the following value:


  1. Type in your note and send it. When you send your note, a screen similar to the following will appear (an example entry is shown):

  PROFS UVic Mail Package (PUMP)                                  10 Nov 1994
                                 Address Entry

            Please enter the address of the person you wish to send
                  the mail to and press the Enter key or PF12

    Userid:           anderson
    System (or node):
    Name (optional):  Eric C. Anderson

Where userid consists of everything to the left of the "@" symbol,
system consists of everything to the right of the "@" symbol, 
name is optional.

                    PF12  Return -- ie. ignore this address

  1. Fill in the following items (as shown in the example entry above):

Userid: The portion of the address before the @ symbol. For example, in the address, you would fill in anderson. Do not include the @ symbol.

System (or node): The portion of the address after the @ symbol. For example, in the address, you would fill in Do not include the @ symbol.

Name (optional): This person's real name.

  1. When you are finished, press the <ENTER>key. Your note will be sent.

If you will be sending mail to a particular Internet user on a regular basis, you can save time by registering the address as described below. You can then send mail to the user by simply filling in their nickname.

Setting Up a Nickname

If you plan to communicate with someone on a regular basis, you should register the address in PROFS. Normally, when you receive a mail message from someone on the Internet, you are offered the opportunity to register the address and assign a nickname to it. If you do not wish to register the address at this time, you can do it manually at a later time. To register a Pegasus address (or any Internet address) manually, do the following:
  1. Exit PROFS (PF12) and type the following command:


You will see a screen similar to the following (an example entry is shown):

====> NAMES (Mail panel)      File: VANILA   NAMES    A1               <====
Fill in the fields and press a PFkey to display and/or change your names file
Nickname: Eric                  Notebook:
Userid: anderson
                     Name: Eric C. Anderson

  1. Fill in the following items (as shown in the example entry above):

Nickname: What nickname you would like to use to refer to this person.

Userid: The portion of the address before the @ symbol. For example, in the address, you would fill in anderson. Do not include the @ symbol.

Node: The portion of the address after the @ symbol. For example, in the address, you would fill in Do not include the @ symbol.

The remaining fields are optional:

Name: This person's real name.

Phone: This person's phone number.

Address: This person's street mailing address.

  1. When you are finished, press PF2 to save your entry and then PF3 to quit.

  1. Enter PROFS and type the following command from the PROFS main menu:


  1. When the menu appears, press PF1 to process your main nickname file.

  1. When the menu appears, press PF1 to add a new nickname. A screen similar to the following will appear (an example entry is shown):

ADD A NEW NICKNAME                             T1

  Type in the information below.  Then press PF12.


  System name:

  User name:
  Private:          (y or n)
  Printer:          (y or n)

PF8 Quit    PF9 Help    PF12 Return

  1. Fill in the following items (as shown in the example entry above):

Nickname: The nickname that you chose when you were using the NAMES command.

System Name: Always the word INTERNET.

User Name: The same value you filled in for Nickname:.

Note: You must use the same nickname that you chose when you were using the NAMES command.

  1. When you are finished, press PF12 until you are back at the PROFS Main Menu.

Now, whenever you wish to send mail to this person, you can put their nickname in the Send to: field and your mail will be routed to the correct address.